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Setup Arduino IDE 2.3

Arduino IDE Arduino IDE stands out with its simple design, allowing to write a code, compile a project and upload it to the RoboBoard. This is one of the reasons why it's so popular among beginners. Aside from basic functionality, it has thousands of third-party libraries and code examples to create a project even faster.

Step 1. Download Arduino IDE

Go to Arduino website to download application for your operating system.
Install guide: Windows / MacOS / Linux

Download Arduino

Step 2. Install Totem Boards

Arduino IDE
Install Totem Boards extension to add support for Totem RoboBoard.

  1. In Arduino IDE select FilePreferences.
  2. Locate Additional Boards Manager URLs and paste in:
    Arduino IDE
    If you have multiple URLs, click a button next to input field and add this link to the bottom.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Open Boards Manager in side panel and type totem in search field.
  5. Click Install on Totem Boards and wait for it to complete. It can take a few minutes.

Full tutorial how to use board manager: Using the Board Manager.

RoboBoard X4 (only)

Update motor driver firmware to latest version. See driver update guide.

Step 3. Compile and upload code

Arduino IDE
Load example code and upload it to RoboBoard.

  1. Connect RoboBoard to PC over USB cable and power it on.
  2. Click on boards field and select Select other board and port...
    Arduino IDE
  3. Inside new dialog search for roboboard and select RoboBoard X4 (or RoboBoard X3).
    Also select USB port board is connected to and click OK
  4. Select FileExamples> RoboBoardRGBColorRun.
  5. Select ToolsPort and click on the port displayed there.
    If Port is not available - check if RoboBoard is on and plugged to PC with USB cable.
    If there are multiple ports, disconnect USB cable and check which one is gone. Reconnect and select it.
  6. Select SketchUpload and wait till it completes (can take a few minutes first time).
    Note: in case upload fails - try selecting lower speed in ToolsUpload speed.
  7. RoboBoard RGB will start to blink in different colors. There is an example for each functionality, including a simple description.

RoboBoard X4 LedBlink

Full tutorial how to compile and upload code: Upload a sketch.
In case of RoboBoard X4 - make sure the battery or DC jack is connected and power switch is turned on. It won't work from USB alone!.

Step 4. Project settings

Arduino IDE settings

Menu option Tools contains Board settings that can change code build and upload parameters.

  • Board - board type selection
  • Upload speed - firmware upload speed. Use highest, unless upload errors occur
  • Erase All Flash Before Sketch Upload - fully erase ESP32 flash before new firmware upload
  • Remote Control - makes RoboBoard discoverable by Totem App when selected
  • Board Status - enable RoboBoard status with RGB lights and beeping
  • Charging Mode - enable RoboBoard X3 charging mode
  • Totem Prefix - append "totem::" prefix to every RoboBoard function Totem Prefix
  • Port - USB port name RoboBoard is connected to (required for Serial Monitor and upload)

Step 5. Using Arduino IDE

For more information about getting started with Arduino, read following topics:

User interface:


Code documentation:

Code examples:


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