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2. Frequency meter

Mini Lab LabBoard frequency meter mode


Mode used for measuring signal frequency. Display shows current reading in Hertz or Megahertz units.


  • Measure signal frequency at DIG1 pin.
  • Maximum frequency up to 23 MHz*.
  • Input pin is pulled HIGH (default state).
  • Display is updated each second.
  • Display will show value in Hertz. If number exceeds 1Mhz - it will switch to Mhz mode.
  • Signal HIGH level should be in the amplitude from 2 V to 5 V.
  • Left corner LED DIG1 will blink according to input frequency.
    It is not directly tied to input pin. Only for visual representation.

* Frequencies larger than 10MHz can be affected by electrical conditions (contacts, wire length, no shielding, etc.). Make sure wires are short and signal is stable enough.


Enter mode:

  • Select Menu > 2. FREq.
  • (deprecated) In Main screen hold SET- for 3 seconds.

Exit mode:

  • Open menu and select other mode.
  • (deprecated) Press SET- to exit to Main screen.


Mini Lab LabBoard frequency meter mode example

  1. Connect D9 digital pin to DIG1 frequency meter input.
  2. Enter frequency meter mode by selecting Menu > 2. FREq.
  3. Load code sketch to TotemDuino. This will output 1kHz frequency on pin D9.
    LabBoard should display 1000 HZ. Uses tone() function.
    void setup() {
      pinMode(9, OUTPUT); // Set pin D9 to output
      tone(9, 1000); // Output 1kHz frequency to pin D9
    void loop() {
  4. Load code sketch to TotemDuino. This will output 8Mhz frequency on pin D9.
    LabBoard should display 8.00000mHZ. Letter 'm' displayed as 2 segments.
    void setup() {
      // Set pin D9 to output
      DDRB |= (1 << PB1);
      // Set timer TOP and compare values
      ICR1 = 1;  // TOP
      OCR1A = 0; // compare (duty cycle)
      // Set no prescaler, Fast PWM mode (14)
      TCCR1A = (1 << COM1A1) | (1 << WGM11) ;
      TCCR1B = (1 << CS10) | (1 << WGM12) | (1 << WGM13);
    void loop() {
    This code snippet directly writes ATmega328P registers to configure timer 1 to output 8Mhz frequency on pin PB1 (D9).