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[04] RoboBoard X4


This page contains information for controlling RoboBoard X4 remotely from other devices. If you are looking for RoboBoard X4 programming documentation go to RoboBoard X4 documentation section.

#include <Totem.h>
TotemModule module(04);

Module commands

Command naming convention

Some commands controls various channels (A, B, C, ...). There is a logic behind command naming for flexibility:
write("commandA", 10) - will set value 10 for individual channel A.
write("commandAll", 100) - will set value 100 for all existing channels.
write("commandABCD", 10, 20, 30, 40) - will set individual values for A, B, C, D channels.
write("commandABC", 10, 20, 30) - will set individual values for A, B, C channels.
Only commands listed in "Module commands" will be accepted. Other variations will be discarded.
All commands are case sensitive! Calls like CommandA, COMMANDa, motorA/BRAKE will be ignored.


Commands starting with "cfg" retains its value after module power off. Used as module configuration parameters.

cfg/robot/name ( name )

Configure robot name visible during connection.
name - string (text) up to 30 bytes max.
Default: Totem X4.
module.write("cfg/robot/name", "My robot"); // Set robot name

cfg/robot/model ( model )

Configure Totem robot model (Truck, Big Spider, ...).
Used to identify type of the robot. Can be set to any value. Also received with getModel().
Value can be generated with command: TotemModule::hashModel("model").
model - 16bit hash of robot model name [0:0xFFFF].
Default: 0.
// Set robot model to Truck
module.write("cfg/robot/model", TotemModule::hashModel("Truck"));
// Check if robot is Truck
ModuleData data;
if (module.readWait("cfg/robot/model", data) &&
    data.getInt() == TotemModule::hashModel("Truck")) { }

cfg/robot/color ( color )

Configure robot color.
Used to recognize robot appearance by its color. It may be displayed inside mobile application or on-board RGB lights.
color - 24bit RGB color value (without brightness) [0x000000:0xFFFFFF].
Default: 0.
module.write("cfg/robot/color", 0x0000FF); // Set robot color to BLUE
// Alternative to set individual RGB colors:
module.write("cfg/robot/color", 0, 0, 255); // Set robot color to BLUE

cfg/motorABCD/invert ( onA , onB , onC , onD )

Configure motor output polarity.
Individual motors can be configured to invert its spinning direction. Allows to fix reversed motor wiring without reconfiguring robot controls.
onA - invert channel A [true:false].
onB - invert channel B [true:false].
onC - invert channel C [true:false].
onD - invert channel D [true:false].
Default: false (off)
// Invert channels A and B. C, B - not inverted.
module.write("cfg/motorABCD/invert", true, true, false, false);

cfg/motorABCD/autobrake ( powerA , powerB , powerC , powerD )

Configure motor autobrake feature.
When channel power is set to 0, an electronic motor brake will be applied.
Can be configured with different percentage of braking power per each channel.
powerA - autobrake channel A [0:100]%.
powerB - autobrake channel B [0:100]%.
powerC - autobrake channel C [0:100]%.
powerD - autobrake channel D [0:100]%.
Default: 0 (off)
// Set channels A, B to 100% brake power, C to 50%, D - no braking.
module.write("cfg/motorABCD/autobrake", 100, 100, 50, 0);

cfg/reset ( )

Reset all module configuration to factory default.
module.write("cfg/reset"); // Reset all module settings to default

DC motor control

motorA ( power )

motorB ( power )

motorC ( power )

motorD ( power )

Set individual DC motor A, B, C, D channel output power.
Positive - forward, negative - backward, 0 - stop.
power - channel output power [-100:100]%.
module.write("motorA", 100); // Write channel A to put out 100% of power

motorABCD ( powerA , powerB , powerC , powerD )

Set DC motor A, B, C, D channels output power with a single command call.
Positive - forward, negative - backward, 0 - stop.
powerA - set channel A output power [-100:100]%.
powerB - set channel B output power [-100:100]%.
powerC - set channel C output power [-100:100]%.
powerD - set channel D output power [-100:100]%.
module.write("motorABCD", 100, 50, 0, -100); // Write channels A, B, C, D

motorA/brake ( brake )

motorB/brake ( brake )

motorC/brake ( brake )

motorD/brake ( brake )

Apply brake to individual DC motor A, B, C, D channel .
Will reset to 0 if power command is called.
brake - brake intensity [0:100]%.
module.write("motorA/brake", 100); // Set channel A brake power to 100%

motorABCD/brake ( brakeA , brakeB , brakeC , brakeD )

Apply brake to DC motor A, B, C, D channels with a single command call.
Will reset to 0 if power command is called.
brakeA - channel A brake intensity [0:100]%.
brakeB - channel B brake intensity [0:100]%.
brakeC - channel C brake intensity [0:100]%.
brakeD - channel D brake intensity [0:100]%.
module.write("motorABCD/brake", 100, 50, 0, 0); // Brake channels : A - 100%; B - 50%; C, D - no brake

Servo motor control

servoA ( position )

servoB ( position )

servoC ( position )

Set individual servo motor A, B, C channels position (-100, 0, 100) = (0°, 90°, 180°).
position - position of servo arm [-100:100].
module.write("servoA", 0); // Set servo channel A to 90° angle

servoABC ( positionA , positionB , positionC )

Set servo motor A, B, C channels position with a single command call.
Value converts to angle: (-100, 0, 100) = (0°, 90°, 180°).
positionA - channel A position of servo arm [-100:100].
positionB - channel B position of servo arm [-100:100].
positionC - channel C position of servo arm [-100:100].
module.write("servoABC", 100, 50, -100); // Write channels A, B, C

On-board features

led ( on )

Set on-board indication led state.
on - toggle LED [true:false].
module.write("led", true); // Turn on-board indication led on

button ( )

Get state of on-board button. Read it once or subscribe to receive an event when button is pressed. This command is read-only.
Returns: button is pressed [true:false].
bool buttonIsPressed = module.readWait("button"); // Read button state
// 'readWait' will delay code execution until result is received from the module.
ModuleData data; // Prepare variable to store read result
module.readWait("button", data); // Perform read with wait until result is received
bool buttonIsPressed = data.getInt(); // Get button state from result
// Function that will receive all subscribed commands of RoboBoard X4
void onModuleData(ModuleData data) {
    if ("button")) { // Check if received command is "button"
        bool buttonIsPressed = data.getInt(); // Get button state
        Serial.print("Button state = ");
void setup() {
    module.attachOnData(onModuleData); // Register onModuleData function
    module.subscribe("button"); // Subscribe to receive any state change of button

battery ( )

Get connected battery voltage. This command is read-only.
Returned value is in millivolts. Divide by 1000 to get volts [8.4V:12.6V].
Returns: [8400:12600]mV. 0 - battery not connected
// Read battery voltage
int voltage = module.readWait("battery").getInt(); // Result: 11350 → 11.350V
// 'readWait' will delay code execution until result is received from the module.
ModuleData data; // Prepare variable to store read result
module.readWait("battery", data); // Perform read with wait until result is received
bool voltage = data.getInt(); // Get battery value from result. 11350 → 11.350V
// Function that will receive all subscribed commands of module
void onModuleData(ModuleData data) {
    if ("battery")) { // Check if received command is "battery"
        bool voltage = data.getInt(); // Get battery value from result. 11350 → 11.350V
        Serial.print("Battery voltage = ");
void setup() {
    module.attachOnData(onModuleData); // Register onModuleData function
    module.subscribe("battery"); // Subscribe to receive any state change of battery

RGB lights

rgbAll/totem ( )

Set all RGB leds to Totem colors (blue, yellow, green).
module.write("rgbAll/totem"); // Light all RGB leds to Totem colors

rgbAll/reset ( )

Reset all RGB leds to default color.
Sets to color configured in cfg/robot/color command. If color is not configured, defaults to Totem colors.
module.write("rgbAll/reset"); // Light all RGB leds to default color

rgbA ( alpha , red , green , blue )

rgbB ( alpha , red , green , blue )

rgbC ( alpha , red , green , blue )

rgbD ( alpha , red , green , blue )

Set individual A, B, C, D RGB light color.
alpha - brightness [0:255].
red - amount of red color [0:255].
green - amount of green color [0:255].
blue - amount of blue color [0:255].
module.write("rgbA", 255, 0, 255, 0); // Set RGB A led to GREEN color
module.write("rgbA", 0xFF, 0, 0xFF, 0); // Set RGB A led to GREEN color
module.write("rgbA", 0xFF00FF00); // Set RGB A led to GREEN color

rgbAll ( alpha , red , green , blue )

Set all RGB lights color.
alpha - brightness [0:255].
red - amount of red color [0:255].
green - amount of green color [0:255].
blue - amount of blue color [0:255].
module.write("rgbAll", 255, 0, 255, 0); // Set all leds to GREEN color
module.write("rgbAll", 0xFF, 0, 0xFF, 0); // Set all leds to GREEN color
module.write("rgbAll", 0xFF00FF00); // Set all leds to GREEN color

Auxiliary functions

functionA ( any )

functionB ( any )

functionC ( any )

functionD ( any )

Auxiliary commands for custom implementations.
Mainly used to execute some programmed action from a smartphone. Device calls this command with any value and RoboBoard X4 intercepts it using TotemApp.addEvent().

Commands list

These are low level TotemBUS commands accepted by module. Is not required when using objective API described above.

Command Parameters Description
driver/version Returns:(int) Get driver firmware version
cfg/robot/name (string) Set robot name
cfg/robot/model (int) Set robot model hash
cfg/robot/color (int) Set robot appearance color
cfg/motorABCD/invert (bool, bool, bool, bool) Set DC A
cfg/motorABCD/autobrake (byte, byte, byte, byte) Set DC A
cfg/reset None Reset to default configuration
motorABCD (byte, byte, byte, byte) Set each DC channel spin direction and power
motorA (byte) Set DC A channel spin direction and power
motorB (byte) Set DC B channel spin direction and power
motorC (byte) Set DC C channel spin direction and power
motorD (byte) Set DC D channel spin direction and power
motorABCD/brake (byte, byte, byte, byte) Set each DC channel brake power
motorA/brake (byte) Set DC A channel brake power
motorB/brake (byte) Set DC B channel brake power
motorC/brake (byte) Set DC C channel brake power
motorD/brake (byte) Set DC D channel brake power
servoABC (byte, byte, byte) Set each servo channel position
servoA (byte) Set servo A channel position
servoB (byte) Set servo B channel position
servoC (byte) Set servo C channel position
led (bool) Set LED state on / off
button Returns:(bool) Is button pressed
battery Returns:(int) Get battery voltage
rgbAll/totem None Set RGB to "Totem" color
rgbAll/reset None Reset RGB to startup color
rgbAll (byte, byte, byte, byte) Set RGB color
rgbA (byte, byte, byte, byte) Set RGB A color
rgbB (byte, byte, byte, byte) Set RGB B color
rgbC (byte, byte, byte, byte) Set RGB C color
rgbD (byte, byte, byte, byte) Set RGB D color
functionA Any Write custom user function A
functionB Any Write custom user function B
functionC Any Write custom user function C
functionD Any Write custom user function D